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Announcing the Newly Elected 2024 Board of Directors

Mom Congress

We are thrilled to introduce the newest members of the Board of Directors at Mom Congress, a pivotal group dedicated to shaping the future of our initiatives and advocating for mothers nationwide. Each board member brings a unique perspective and set of skills to our mission, strengthening our efforts to drive change and support for mothers across the United States.

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Mom Congress

Below are the news articles and reports that caught our eye in the month of March. 

A Proclamation on Women’s History Month

“Throughout history, the vision and achievements of powerful women have strengthened our Nation and opened the doors of opportunity wider for all of us.  Though their stories too often go untold, all of us stand on the shoulders of these sung and unsung trailblazers — from the women who took a stand as suffragists, abolitionists, and labor leaders to pioneering scientists and engineers, groundbreaking artists, proud public servants, and brave members of our Armed Forces.”

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State by State Map on Local Impact of Child Care Funding Cliff

The childcare funding cliff continues and it’s great to be informed on how this impacts families across the United States. 

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Care Matters: A 2024 Report Card for Care in the States

“The goal of this care report card is to show the status of essential care policies in the states. Grades don’t reflect the efforts of advocates and policymakers who have long fought for stronger care policies in their states, rather the political realities faced and the overarching need for federal and state investments. Substantial federal investment—on top of state and local prioritization—is needed to fuel economies, improve the well-being of children and families, create millions of good jobs, promote equity, and support disabled people and older adults to live independently with safety and dignity.”

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If you have articles that touch on one of our 4 focus areas to share, don’t hesitate to email us at


Mom Congress

Below are the news articles and reports that caught our eye in the month of February. 

Report: Child Care Industry Struggling in Pandemic’s Aftermath

We know the child care industry has navigated several challenges. In what ways has the aftermath of the pandemic continued to impact the child care industry? What is taking place to recover?

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Convergence Collaborative on Support for Working Families

“Coming together against a backdrop of historic polarization, this is the most ideologically diverse group convened to address family policy, focused on supporting the flourishing of low-to-moderate income families with young children.”

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Celebrating Black Advocates for Maternal Mental Health

“Throughout history, Black women have been at the forefront of social change, advocating for their rights, their families, and their communities. In the realm of maternal mental health, their contributions are immeasurable.”

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If you have articles that touch on one of our 4 focus areas to share, don’t hesitate to email us at


Mom Congress

Below are the news articles and reports that caught our eye in the month of January. 

As more states pass laws addressing maternal mental health, barriers to access continue

Mom Congress was recently featured in a compelling article highlighting the importance of laws addressing maternal mental health. 

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What the child care crisis does to parents

The interconnectedness of the current state of the childcare system and the impact this has on mental health is evident. Inadequate child care continues to impact families in a plethora of ways. 

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The Benefits of Paid Family Leave

Read more to learn about five reasons that everyone deserves paid leave, according to research.

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If you have articles that touch on one of our 4 focus areas to share, don’t hesitate to email us at


Mom Congress

Below are the news articles and reports that caught our eye in the month of December. 

Child Care and the 2023 Election

A recent blog post written by Child Care Aware for America enlightens us on the alignment between potential election and childcare policy outcomes.

“Results from the November 2023 election show voters remain interested in finding ways to make child care more accessible and affordable for families and to better support the child care workforce. Below, we share some of our takeaways from the 2023 election year and what it might mean for those impacted by child care policy (spoiler: it’s everyone) in 2024.”

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BLACK WOMEN’S MATERNAL HEALTH- A Multifaceted Approach to Addressing Persistent and Dire Health Disparities

This study from the National Partnership for Women & Families outlines data and key findings centered on improving Black Maternal Health. Black joy is a core component of community solutions for Black Maternal Health. How can this be accomplished?

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Women and Families Deserve More Than Policies That Don’t Deliver: What happens when the “village” it takes to raise a child never shows up?

This compelling article highlights several key issues impacting women and families. Reliable childcare, affordable housing, and improved income security and taxes are a few hot topics covered.

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If you have articles that touch on one of our 4 focus areas to share, don’t hesitate to email us at


Mom Congress

Below are the news articles and reports that caught our eye in the month of November. 

Child Care Policy Roadmap 2023

The Alliance for Early Success released its 2023 Child Care Policy Roadmap. This roadmap outlines key information to advance the early care and education profession, reform child care financing, increase access and affordability for all families, and provide support for children, families, and communities. 

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The Business Case for Child Care Is the Community Case for Child Care

The Business Case for Child Care Is the Community Case for Child Care

“Employers are increasingly recognizing that child care support is vital to not only help businesses survive but also to help communities thrive.” 

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CBS ‘Sunday Morning’ Covers Postpartum Depression

CBS Sunday Morning aired a feature story on postpartum depression, maternal suicide, and information about the new drug, ZURZUVAE™. The story also featured the Policy Center’s Executive Director discussing barriers to diagnosis and treatment. Watch now. 

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If you have articles that touch on one of our 4 focus areas to share, don’t hesitate to email us at


Mom Congress

Below are the news articles and reports that caught our eye in the month of October. 

2023 Prenatal-to-3 State Policy Roadmap

The 2023 Prenatal-to- 3 State Policy Roadmap is a comprehensive resource with knowledgeable information concerning equitable state policy implications and recommendations for children and their families. 

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Talking Postpartum Depression 

“Postpartum depression (PPD) is a common mental health condition that can affect anyone. While it can feel hard or lonely, healing from PPD is possible.    

About 1 in 8 women report symptoms of PPD in the year after giving birth. Everyone experiences PPD differently. Feeling sad, anxious, or overwhelmed are some of the signs. You might not feel connected to your baby, or you might not feel love or care for the baby. If these feelings last longer than two weeks, you may have PPD.” 

Office On Women's Health  

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Applying Trauma-Informed Principles to Work with Family Advocates 

Applying Trauma-Informed Principles to Work with Family Advocates

The advocacy process often causes advocates to recall traumatic experiences. How can trauma-informed practices be implemented for family advocates? 

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If you have articles that touch on one of our 4 focus areas to share, don’t hesitate to send us an email, at


Guest User

Below are the news articles and reports that caught our eye in the month of September.

Why Childcare Is So Hard to Afford in America 

There are many variables that impact the cost of childcare. Childcare in America is becoming increasingly hard to afford. Have you ever wondered why?

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The Child Care ‘Cliff’ Is Upon Us. Look Out Below.

In the month of September, the childcare cliff drew attention throughout the US. With families and childcare providers being negatively impacted by this, we must continue to advocate for childcare funding. 

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Why the End of Federal Child Care Funding Matters — Whether or Not You Have Young Kids

“The potential loss of child care providers would have a profound impact on working parents, with women shouldering the worst of it, but labor and economic experts warn the ripple effect will be far-reaching in ways that those who don't have young children should be just as concerned about.”

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Hot Girl Summer Is About to Come to a Crashing Halt, and Winter Is Coming for Women

Many working women with young children are put in the position to make hard decisions as it relates to being a working mom or staying home with their children. “Simultaneously, if childcare centers closed, working women would bear the brunt — in a 2020 report, the National Women's Law Center found that 95% of childcare workers were women.”

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If you have articles that touch on one of our 4 focus areas to share, don’t hesitate to send us an email, at

The 2023 “Moms’ Agenda” is Released

Mom Congress

Mom Congress announces the bi-partisan legislation it is calling on Congress to pass; delegates will travel to DC next month to push Congress to prioritize support for mothers.

Washington, D.C. – August 24, 2023

Today, Mom Congress announced the bills included in its 2023 Moms’ Agenda - a series of bills to address the urgent challenges mothers face because of woefully inadequate infrastructure to support pregnancy, birth, and early parenting in the U.S. These priorities are even more important than ever post the overturn of Roe v. Wade which reduced a woman’s choice about whether to have a baby.

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Mom Congress

Below are the news articles and reports that caught our eye in the month of April. With formula shortages, investments in paid family medical leave, and The Black Mamas Matter Alliance virtual rally launch "Black Mamas Matter: In Policy and Practice,” below we’ve included a few great reads aligned to our policy priorities.

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Black Mamas Matter Alliance's New Policy Agenda

Sarah Johanek, MPH

The Black Mamas Matter Alliance held a  virtual rally to launch "Black Mamas Matter: In Policy and Practice,” Black Mamas Matter Alliance’s (BMMA) new policy agenda last week. This policy agenda articulates BMMA’s organizational stance and specific policy recommendations on a range of Black Maternal Health policy issues, including:

  • Structural and Social Determinants of Black Maternal Health

  • Full Spectrum Maternal, Sexual, and Reproductive Healthcare

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Mom Congress

Below are the news articles and reports that caught our eye this month. Childcare continues to be an ongoing issue impacting mothers and families all over the world. The childcare crisis hurts families in a variety of ways. If parents do not have childcare, parents cannot work. This is why we must build a better childcare system. 

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CDC’s Latest Report: Over 80% of US Maternal Deaths are Preventable

Kandyce Hylick, MPH

The latest report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), unveiled at the Mom Congress congressional briefing titled “Saving and Supporting Moms” on Tuesday, September 20th, highlights the ongoing maternal health crisis in the United States.

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