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Five Mom Congress Supported Bills Become Law in 2022

Mom Congress

Celebrate! Five Mom Congress Supported Bills Passed.

By the Mom Congress Policy Team

Mom Congress is thrilled to announce the passage of five pieces of our supported legislation in 2022. Thank you to all Mom Congress Member Advocates for your efforts to get these bills (listed below) signed into law.

Data Mapping to Save Moms' Lives Act (H.R.1218 / S.198)

This bill looks at locations in the U.S. where there are high maternal mortality rates to increase broadband access to provide telemedicine in those locations. The bill requires the Federal Communications Commission to incorporate data on maternal health outcomes into its broadband health maps.

Mom Congress first supported the Data Mapping to Save Moms' Lives Act in 2020. Read the White House Press Release here.

PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act (S. 1658/H.R. 3110)

The PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act will strengthen the Break Time Law by expanding protections for lactating workers.

Mom Congress first supported the PUMP for Nursing Mothers Act in 2020.

The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (H.R. 1065, S. 1486)

This bill requires employers to make reasonable accommodations to support the health of pregnant workers. Read more about the powerful advocacy efforts made like this Advocacy op-ed published in The Hill.

This bill was included in our 2022 Moms’ Agenda.

TRIUMPH for New Mom’s Act (H.R. 4217, S. 2779)

TRIUMPH calls for the formation of a temporary Federal interagency Taskforce to coordinate efforts to address maternal mental health, and to create a national strategic plan including recommendations to state governors, House and Senate Committees, and relevant federal agencies to support and improve maternal mental health in the U.S.

This bill was included in our 2022 Moms’ Agenda.

Into the Light for Maternal Mental Health (H.R. 7073, S. 3824)

Provides permanent mental health resources to moms across the country, from a 24/7 voice and text hotline to grants to states to support improved screening and treatment programs.

This bill was included in our 2022 Moms’ Agenda.