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Filtering by Tag: Federal Policies

Federal Policies to Support the Maternal Health of Our Nation’s Servicemembers

Mom Congress

There are approximately 230,000 active-duty women and nearly two million women veterans in the United States. Over 500,000 women veterans are under 40 years of age, underscoring the importance of implementing federal policies that support this growing population. To meet the needs of this demographic, Congress succeeded in passing two maternal health bills, the Military Moms Mental Health Assessment Act and the TRICARE Coverage for Doula Support Act within the 2021 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This year, the U.S. House of Representatives Armed Services Committee recently announced their markup schedule for the 2022 NDAA, with the U.S. Senate following in the fall. Continuing to build on the success last year, there are several bills to watch that have the potential to make it across the finish line this year.

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